UE4 C++er 向けに UE4.18 でちょっと気になる変更点をピックアップしてメモ。
FStringAssetReference, FStringClassReference, TAssetPtr, TAssetSubclassOf のリネーム
New: As part of the cross-level actor references change, several types and headers were renamed:
FStringAssetReference is now FSoftObjectPath
FStringClassReference is now FSoftClassPath
TAssetPtr is now TSoftObjectPtr
TAssetSubclassOf is now TSoftClassPtr
StringAssetReference.h/StringClassReference.h is now SoftObjectPath.h
AssetPtr.h is now SoftObjectPtr.h
変更前 | 変更後 |
FStringAssetReference | FSoftObjectPath |
FStringClassReference | FSoftClassPath |
TAssetPtr | TSoftObjectPtr |
TAssetSubclassOf | TSoftClassPtr |
DEPRECATED(4.18, "FAssetPtr was renamed to FSoftObjectPtr as it is not necessarily an asset")typedef FSoftObjectPtr FAssetPtr;
// Not deprecating these yet as it will lead to too many warnings in games
//DEPRECATED(4.18, "TAssetPtr was renamed to TSoftObjectPtr as it is not necessarily an asset")
template<class T=UObject> using TAssetPtr = TSoftObjectPtr<T>;
//DEPRECATED(4.18, "TAssetSubclassOf was renamed to TSoftClassPtr")
template<class TClass = UObject>;
using TAssetSubclassOf = TSoftClassPtr<TClass>;
// Not deprecating these yet as it will lead to too many warnings in games
//DEPRECATED(4.18, "FStringAssetReference was renamed to FSoftObjectPath as it is now not always a string and can also refer to a subobject")
typedef FSoftObjectPath FStringAssetReference;
//DEPRECATED(4.18, "FStringClassReference was renamed to FSoftClassPath")
typedef FSoftClassPath FStringClassReference;
エイリアステンプレート(C++11)と typedef が定義されている。
が、コードを見る限りは 「DEPRECATED をつけたかったけど、 Warning が大量に出るので仕方なくコメントアウトしてる」という状態なので、おそらく非推奨には違いない。
実は、既に UE4 公式マニュアルもリネームが施されており、旧クラス名から切り替わったという事実すら書かれていない。
UKismetMathLibrary::RandomUnitVectorInCone の機能整理
Functions that returned random unit vectors from within cones (whether this required a stream or not) have now been refactored into degree- and radian-based counterparts. The suffix “With yaw and pitch” has also been replaced with “Elliptical” for brevity.
と 2 種類のサフィックスをつけた関数に整理FRandomStream
* Returns a random vector with length of 1, within the specified cone, with uniform random distribution.
* @param ConeDir The base "center" direction of the cone.
* @param ConeHalfAngle The half-angle of the cone (from ConeDir to edge), in radians.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Math|Random", meta=(NotBlueprintThreadSafe))
static FVector RandomUnitVectorInCone(FVector ConeDir, float ConeHalfAngle);
* RandomUnitVectorWithYawAndPitch
* @param MaxYaw - The Yaw-angle of the cone (from ConeDir to horizontal-edge), in degrees.
* @param MaxPitch - The Pitch-angle of the cone (from ConeDir to vertical-edge), in degrees.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Math|Random", meta = (Keywords = "RandomVector", NotBlueprintThreadSafe))
static FVector RandomUnitVectorInConeWithYawAndPitch(FVector ConeDir, float MaxYawInDegrees, float MaxPitchInDegrees);
* Returns a random vector with length of 1, within the specified cone, with uniform random distribution.
* @param ConeDir The base "center" direction of the cone.
* @param ConeHalfAngleInRadians The half-angle of the cone (from ConeDir to edge), in radians.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Math|Random", meta=(NotBlueprintThreadSafe))
static FVector RandomUnitVectorInConeInRadians(FVector ConeDir, float ConeHalfAngleInRadians);
* Returns a random vector with length of 1, within the specified cone, with uniform random distribution.
* @param ConeDir The base "center" direction of the cone.
* @param ConeHalfAngleInDegrees The half-angle of the cone (from ConeDir to edge), in degrees.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Math|Random", meta=(NotBlueprintThreadSafe))
static inline FVector RandomUnitVectorInConeInDegrees(FVector ConeDir, float ConeHalfAngleInDegrees)
return RandomUnitVectorInConeInRadians(ConeDir, FMath::DegreesToRadians(ConeHalfAngleInDegrees));
* Returns a random vector with length of 1, within the specified cone, with uniform random distribution.
* The shape of the cone can be modified according to the yaw and pitch angles.
* @param MaxYawInRadians The yaw angle of the cone (from ConeDir to horizontal edge), in radians.
* @param MaxPitchInRadians The pitch angle of the cone (from ConeDir to vertical edge), in radians.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Math|Random", meta = (Keywords = "RandomVector Pitch Yaw", NotBlueprintThreadSafe))
static FVector RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInRadians(FVector ConeDir, float MaxYawInRadians, float MaxPitchInRadians);
* Returns a random vector with length of 1, within the specified cone, with uniform random distribution.
* The shape of the cone can be modified according to the yaw and pitch angles.
* @param MaxYawInDegrees The yaw angle of the cone (from ConeDir to horizontal edge), in degrees.
* @param MaxPitchInDegrees The pitch angle of the cone (from ConeDir to vertical edge), in degrees.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Math|Random", meta = (Keywords = "RandomVector Pitch Yaw", NotBlueprintThreadSafe))
static inline FVector RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInDegrees(FVector ConeDir, float MaxYawInDegrees, float MaxPitchInDegrees)
return RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInRadians(ConeDir, FMath::DegreesToRadians(MaxYawInDegrees), FMath::DegreesToRadians(MaxPitchInDegrees));
* Returns a random vector with length of 1, within the specified cone, with uniform random distribution.
* @param ConeDir The base "center" direction of the cone.
* @param ConeHalfAngleInRadians The half-angle of the cone (from ConeDir to edge), in radians.
* @param Stream The random stream from which to obtain the vector.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Random", meta = (Keywords = "RandomVector"))
static FVector RandomUnitVectorInConeInRadiansFromStream(const FVector& ConeDir, float ConeHalfAngleInRadians, const FRandomStream& Stream);
* Returns a random vector with length of 1, within the specified cone, with uniform random distribution.
* @param ConeDir The base "center" direction of the cone.
* @param ConeHalfAngleInDegrees The half-angle of the cone (from ConeDir to edge), in degrees.
* @param Stream The random stream from which to obtain the vector.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Random", meta = (Keywords = "RandomVector"))
static inline FVector RandomUnitVectorInConeInDegreesFromStream(const FVector& ConeDir, float ConeHalfAngleInDegrees, const FRandomStream& Stream)
return RandomUnitVectorInConeInRadiansFromStream(ConeDir, FMath::DegreesToRadians(ConeHalfAngleInDegrees), Stream);
* Returns a random vector with length of 1, within the specified cone, with uniform random distribution.
* The shape of the cone can be modified according to the yaw and pitch angles.
* @param MaxYawInRadians The yaw angle of the cone (from ConeDir to horizontal edge), in radians.
* @param MaxPitchInRadians The pitch angle of the cone (from ConeDir to vertical edge), in radians.
* @param Stream The random stream from which to obtain the vector.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Math|Random", meta = (Keywords = "RandomVector"))
static FVector RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInRadiansFromStream(const FVector& ConeDir, float MaxYawInRadians, float MaxPitchInRadians, const FRandomStream& Stream);
* Returns a random vector with length of 1, within the specified cone, with uniform random distribution.
* The shape of the cone can be modified according to the yaw and pitch angles.
* @param MaxYawInDegrees The yaw angle of the cone (from ConeDir to horizontal edge), in degrees.
* @param MaxPitchInDegrees The pitch angle of the cone (from ConeDir to vertical edge), in degrees.
* @param Stream The random stream from which to obtain the vector.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Math|Random", meta = (Keywords = "RandomVector"))
static inline FVector RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInDegreesFromStream(const FVector& ConeDir, float MaxYawInDegrees, float MaxPitchInDegrees, const FRandomStream& Stream)
return RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInRadiansFromStream(ConeDir, FMath::DegreesToRadians(MaxYawInDegrees), FMath::DegreesToRadians(MaxPitchInDegrees), Stream);
FWaveInstance::DistanceAttenuation が追加され、一部のメンバが private
New: To implement the source bus feature, we needed to split out volume attenuation vs distance attenuation. The bus audio needs to be mixed pre-distance-attenuation to avoid getting double-attenuated as the audio is output from the buses. This added some complexity with volume setting/getting in higher level code so if you were retrieving volume of playing sounds for a custom C++ feature, you may want to look at new volume getters and setters. To help with this, we made all volume setting and getting private to wave instances (FWaveInstance).
減衰に関する項目が追加され、それに伴い Volume
, VolumeMultiplier
, VolumeApp
が private に。
その代わりに Setter/Getter が追加されている。
struct ENGINE_API FWaveInstance
// 省略
/** Current volume */
float Volume;
/** Volume attenuation due to distance. */
float DistanceAttenuation;
/** Current volume multiplier - used to zero the volume without stopping the source */
float VolumeMultiplier;
/** The volume of the wave instance due to application volume or tab-state */
float VolumeApp;
// 省略
/** Setters for various volume values on wave instances. */
void SetVolume(const float InVolume) { Volume = InVolume; }
void SetDistanceAttenuation(const float InDistanceAttenuation) { DistanceAttenuation = InDistanceAttenuation; }
void SetVolumeApp(const float InVolumeApp) { VolumeApp = InVolumeApp; }
void SetVolumeMultiplier(const float InVolumeMultiplier) { VolumeMultiplier = InVolumeMultiplier; }
/** Returns the volume multiplier on the wave instance. */
float GetVolumeMultiplier() const { return VolumeMultiplier; }
/** Returns the volume of the sound including distance attenuation. */
float GetVolumeWithDistanceAttenuation() const;
/** Returns the distance attenuation of the source voice. */
float GetDistanceAttenuation() const;
/** Returns the volume due to application behavior for the wave instance. */
float GetVolumeApp() const { return VolumeApp; }
UTexture2D 一部プロパティ削除と Getter 追加
UTexture2D::RequestedMips was removed and should be replaced by GetNumRequestedMips()
UTexture2D::ResidentMips was removed and should be replaced by GetNumResidentMips()
UTexture2D::PendingMipChangeRequestStatus was removed and streaming status should be handled through HasPendingUpdate() and IsReadyForStreaming()
, ResidentMips
, PendingMipChangeRequestStatus
その代わりに Getter として GetNumRequestedMips()
, GetNumResidentMips()
, HasPendingUpdate()
は元々存在する関数だったが const がついた。
class UTexture2D : public UTexture
// 136 行目
/** true if the texture is currently being updated through StreamIn() or StreamOut(). */
FORCEINLINE bool HasPendingUpdate() const { return PendingUpdate != nullptr; }
// 222 行目
/** The number of mips currently in memory. */
ENGINE_API int32 GetNumResidentMips() const;
/** When the texture is being updated from StreamIn() or StreamOut(), returns the number of mips requested. */
int32 GetNumRequestedMips() const;
// 322 行目
/** * Returns whether the texture is ready for streaming aka whether it has had InitRHI called on it. * * @return true if initialized and ready for streaming, false otherwise */
ENGINE_API bool IsReadyForStreaming() const;
Messaging モジュールの一部機能が MessagingCommon モジュールへ分離
Messaging: If you use the common helper classes, replace “Messaging” with “MessagingCommon” in your Build.cs files and remove the “Helpers/” subdirectory from your include statements (unless you actually include header files from “Messaging”, in which case you need to keep “Messaging” and add “MessagingCommon”).
具体的には、 Engine\Source\Runtime\Messaging\Public\Helpers 以下、
- FileMessageAttachment.h
- MessageBridgeBuilder.h
- MessageEndpoint.h
- MessageEndpointBuilder.h
- MessageHandlers.h
ディレクトリを挟まなくなったので、以前から使用していた場合、Build.cs に MessagingCommon
を追記するだけでなく include 時のパス書き換えも必要になる。
New: To disable array reordering, use the metadata flag EditFixedOrder on the TArray.
UE4.18 の TArray 順序入れ替え機能(Array Reordering)を不可にする metadata。
Array Reordering に関しては以下を参照。
実際にやってみた。上が通常の TArray、下が meta=(EditFixedOrder)
を付与した TArray。
Developers can now register a delegate with SlateApplication to tell when a window’s DPI changes
FSlateApplication に DPI スケール変更時のイベント通知用デリゲートが追加。
struct ENGINE_API FWaveInstance
// 省略
/** Current volume */
float Volume;
/** Volume attenuation due to distance. */
float DistanceAttenuation;
/** Current volume multiplier - used to zero the volume without stopping the source */
float VolumeMultiplier;
/** The volume of the wave instance due to application volume or tab-state */
float VolumeApp; public:
// 省略
/** Setters for various volume values on wave instances. */
void SetVolume(const float InVolume) { Volume = InVolume; }
void SetDistanceAttenuation(const float InDistanceAttenuation) { DistanceAttenuation = InDistanceAttenuation; }
void SetVolumeApp(const float InVolumeApp) { VolumeApp = InVolumeApp; }
void SetVolumeMultiplier(const float InVolumeMultiplier) { VolumeMultiplier = InVolumeMultiplier; }
/** Returns the volume multiplier on the wave instance. */
float GetVolumeMultiplier() const { return VolumeMultiplier; }
/** Returns the volume of the sound including distance attenuation. */
float GetVolumeWithDistanceAttenuation() const;
/** Returns the distance attenuation of the source voice. */
float GetDistanceAttenuation() const;
/** Returns the volume due to application behavior for the wave instance. */
float GetVolumeApp() const { return VolumeApp; }
IStereoRenderTargetManager インターフェースの追加
If you maintain a custom VR plugin that needs to allocate its own render targets, you now need to move the methods out of your IStereoRendering implementation into a IStereoRenderTargetManager implementation. You can reduce the amount of duplicate code by extending FXRRenderTargetManager instead of implementing the interface directly.
各 VRHMD のレンダリングの実装は基本的に IStereoRendering
インターフェースの継承 (実際にはその間に FHeadMountedDisplayBase
クラスを挟んでの継承) したクラスで定義されている。
UE4.18 からは、それに加えて新しく IStereoRenderTargetManager
こちらも、厳密には、直接継承しておらず、間に FXRRenderTargetManager
を挟み、必要な部分のみ各自が override する実装になっている。
で定義されている関数は、元は IStereoRendering
特に、これを含めて HeadMountedDisplay
モジュールは UE4.17 → UE4.18 の間でだいぶ構成が変わっており、XR
と Prefix のつくファイルも多いので、おそらく今後の AR, MR を視野に入れての整理ではないかと思われる。
コマンドラインからのクック時にBP のネイティブ化する場合の nativizeAssets オプションが不要に
If you have a custom build pipeline that relies on UAT BuildCookRun automation for cooking and/or building, note that in 4.18 it is no longer necessary to specify the -nativizeAssets flag to enable Blueprint nativization.
代わりに、DefaultGame.ini の BlueprintNativizationMethod
これは、エディタでいうところの Project Settings – Project – Packaging にある設定項目のこと。
逆に、コマンドラインから ini ファイルの設定を上書きする場合は、